Happy Clients
We empower people to fly high in their relationship!
Happy Stories
Fueling personal growth
”I never thought that both of us could change considering how stuck we were in our behavior. It felt like a bad movie that we couldn't control. Our words, sometimes fights, pushed us apart instead of bringing us closer. We really struggled with ourselves at the beginning of coaching, but eventually, we realized that we could change, and those changes are lasting. It feels like a life lesson.”

Joyce, 36 teacher
”I was convinced that our marriage was beyond repair, but I didn't want to give up. We learned how to have meaningful conversations and how to resolve old issues. After that, we were able to rebuild our relationship. There is mutual respect again. We complement each other once more. The loneliness is gone, and the connection is back, as well as our joy. Even the passion is almost back.”

Judith, 42 self employed
”We were at a low point in our relationship after years of growing apart. We worked through it, see the small but positive things, proactively resolve relationship issues, clean up the mess from the past, and learn to build positively toward each other. We addressed many ingrained patterns along the way. After some time, there was a turning point. Slowly, we began to appreciate each other again, warmth returned and the love that seemed to have disappeared slowly came back.”

Andrew, 41 business consultant
"Good communication and understanding each other's behavior have been the best tools for us to prevent crises and find solutions to problems. We may still have differences of opinion, but they no longer lead to fights or distance. We get we have to work on our relationship daily. It's not a chore it's a realization. Not taking for granted our connection is a gift we give ourselves daily. We all have important relationship lessons to learn. Learn them, and you'll take your relationship further than it's ever been.”

Robert, 53 bank employee
”I experienced the training to be a very educational journey. It's quite simple, but you need someone to point it out to you. We often found ourselves in a victim mentality. I've learned that we want the same thing: to love each other and grow old together. We just didn't know how to interact. Now, we are more relaxed and feel that our love is growing. I could never have known this. It's the best thing.”

Ethel, 38 sales associate
”After 14 years of relationship, my partner surprised and confronted me with dissatisfaction and a new love for another woman. We separated for three months, and divorce was on the horizon. We wanted to go on for our child. It was an intensive journey in which we learned so much about ourselves and each other. With all the new habits, we are now open and honest with each other, and all the dissatisfaction has taken a positive turn.”

Kim, 37 beautician
”We couldn’t resolve our issues on our own, and fortunately we were both open to coaching, though we had doubts if it would help. We now have more understanding, depth, and connection in every aspect of our relationship. We're having sex again and enjoying it. We've been together for 18 years, but it feels like we're just starting to discover and understand each other. The crisis is not surprising in hindsight, but it's amazing that we came out it even stronger. It all seems so simple, but if no one ever taught you, how are you supposed to know?”

Leon, 49 entrepreneur
”We thought our relationship couldn't be fixed. This journey together has brought peace and harmony to our home. We now look at ourselves and each other differently, creating space to breathe. We have better communication and more understanding for each other. Now that some time has passed, it's not always perfect, but we understand each other's needs, which helps resolve situations before they escalate. After 17 years, our relationship hasn’t been this solid."

Ethel, 38 sales associate
”Our relationship was at break point. We couldn't communicate at all. A fight sometimes lasted for days, until one of us reached out. Fortunately, that's in the past now. We've learned to listen to each other. I now understand that women are wired differently than men. When things do go wrong, we resolve them much faster with what we've learned. We support each other instead of working against each other. We discuss more and involve our family."

Clarice, 41 pediatrician
”At first, I carried a lot of loneliness, sadness, and pain with me. Forgiving each other brought all of this to the surface. Initially, I resisted doing it, but it brought understanding and acceptance faster than I expected. It took time to clean it all up. But over time, there was a slow shift from focusing on myself to focusing on us. Forgiving consciously worked better for me than just offering excuses, although those are also important for minor irritations.”

Wendela, 39 entrepreneur
”I wanted to do everything perfectly for my partner. I believed that perfect lovemaking would naturally lead to a desire for the next one, and that way, we would have a healthy sex life. It created pressure and stress. Over time, our sex life deteriorated for various reasons, and sex became charged. It made me desperate. We realized that both of us were scoring poorly on our relationship needs. We learned how we had slowly ruined our sex life. Now we've taught each other what we need to experience sex as wonderful and complete again. It’s remarkable how quickly we've recovered. ”

Henry, 58 civil servant
”Before coaching, the end of our relationship was just a matter of time for me. There was so much arguing, anger, and sadness that I had lost all hope. There seemed to be no solution to our problems. I started out very skeptical, even a bit rebellious at the beginning, but as the sessions progressed, I began to see and understand more about how we could get our relationship back on track. I slowly started to hope again, and more importantly, we achieved results together that we hadn't seen in a long time. We not only learned important lessons but also more about ourselves. Insights and life lessons that have changed me.”

Sharon, 35 physician
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Samen & Co Ltd
Registered in Amsterdam, the Netherlands
VAT Registration NL 585 27 907